Saturday 17 March 2012

What's happening next (plus special list!)

So I really like writing actual reviews, almost as much as I like making lists. So, I know I have two reviews from my film group to go, but I can some them up in a couple of sentences so here they are.


As Ralph Fiennes first feature, this a an epic start to directing. The shaky cam can be a bit sickening, but it works well within the context of the film. You can really tell it's his first feature, there are many different scenes shot in very different styles and you can see him experimenting with it. The way Shakespeare is incorporated into the modern world is very effective, and shows that Shakespeare's themes are universal and eternal.

A Separation:

Ok, in all seriousness, this is a good film, with good characters, minimal plot and themes that one could talk about for a week. There was no clear right or wrong shown with the situations that the characters were presented with. But, maybe it was the hype, or maybe it's just cause these sort of films don't interest me that much, there was just something lacking in the film. It might be because the characters are all almost unlikeable for one reason or another, again I'm not really sure. But it was for me, quite disappointing.

Anyway, both films I would reccomend, though beware of violence take straight out of C.O.D in Coriolanus, and at times in A Separation the characters talk over each other so much you can't understand anything, and the subtitles aren't able to keep up.

So as I said, I really liked doing these actual reviews, but since film group has ended for the term, and I'm not sure if I will be doing it next term, what am I going to review now? Well, there are a couple of things I can do. I try and review other films that I see this year, but whether I do or not is another question. For those few (and thank you to those who did!) who followed my lists last year, you would've realised that I have a bad habbit of not keeping up with them. So I can't promise that I will review every other film I see this year, especially seeing as there are a few I've already seen that I have no desire to review.

So what I intend to do instead is this. I have a list of films that I feel I should watch at some point in my life. It is quite big, with around 844 films on it. I have so far watched only 60. I suppose I should explain how this list came about, but it would probably bore you so I won't. Anyway, the films that I will give an actual review for will probably be from this list. And because I love surprises I'm not going to tell you which ones will be coming, though I will give you a couple of titles that may come up at some point.

Rock n' Roll High School
Dirty Harry
84 Charing Cross Road
I'm Not Scrared

So, yeah. That's whats going to happen. I think. Lists will still come out as infrequently as they already are. But remember how I said that there would be a special list? Well, this is it now. Here is a list in order from best to worst of the films I watched for my film group. Yeah it's stupid, but oh well. And right not, cbf-ing the descriptions of all of them, so, deal with that! (They also have little awardy things next to them, cause I can.)

1. Tyrannosaur - Most tears spilled during a film
2. My Week with Marilyn - Most enjoyable film
3. Shame - Most naked-ness in a film since Showgirls
4. Coriolanus - Most sickening shaky cam
5. A Separation - Biggest disappointmen
6. J. Edgar - Too boring too remember

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