Saturday 2 June 2012

The Best and Worst of Eurovision 2012

So, last week was Eurovision. Hooray! And because I can, I'm going to put out my favourite and least favourite songs from the contest this year. Hopefully, I'll be doing this every year, so lucky for you guys! And because it's easier (sometimes harder) I'm only going to be choosing songs from the gand final., and I'm only going to pick 5 songs for best and worst.

Without further ado, let's begin with the worst first! Keep in mind that this is my opinion and that if you like the songs, fair enough. I just don't. This was hard, because usually a lot of the truly terrible acts get eliminated before the grand final. But it doesn't mean that there aren't any bad ones to be found.

5. Rona Nishliu - "Suus" from Albania

OK, so first I have to give Albania props for doing something different and interesting. But in the end, this is just a ballad. And a weird one at that. The song never stops growing, and at times it feels like she's out of tune when she isn't. And my ears exploded when she went to the uber high notes. I can see why people may like it, but it's just too bizarre and ear-bleeding for me to like fully. And why does she have an umbilical cord wrapped around her neck?

4. Jedward - "Waterline" from Ireland

Do I even have to have a reason for this one? It's Jedward, you know it's going to be bad before you hear it. I feel sorry the backing singers they have who have to sing over the top of their whiny out of tune voices. In all honesty, the song isn't that bad (it's better than last years). Maybe Ireland should actually pick people who can sing rather than pretty boys who can kinda dance a little. And who have normal hair! There's nothing more to say other than ... they look like Lady Gaga's love slaves? Seriously, I know it's Eurovision, but what's with the hair!!

3. Eleftheria Eleftheriou - "Aphrodisiac" from Greece

I was talking to my dad about this song. The girl can't sing, the song is really mediocre and the dancing is bland. But that's not why she got through. See if you can guess why. The song is called "Aphrodisiac", the girl is wearing a tiny dress, the dancing is sexualised, are you getting the picture now? This is probably one of the best of the worst, just classic bad Eurovision. Mediocre, sexual and boring. This doesn't piss me off as much as what's coming, but it's still not good.

2. Zeljko Joksimovic - "Nije Ijubav Stvar" from Serbia

Ooh, this is controversial! Okay, this song really pisses me off, even though it's not bad. This is more to do with the guy singing it. His ego is dripping from every pore on his body, and soaks into the song and makes me hate it intensley. I know it's a stupid thing to get hung up about, and that I should focus on the song more than the person performing it. But let me compare Zeljko Joksimovic to the Cyprus entry, Ivi Adamou. Her song "La La Love" is cheesey and stupid but I really like it and that's partly to do with her charisma and fun. Zeljko Joksimovic has the much better song, but he comes off as arrogant and pretentious and ... annoying. So, yeah, the performer matters Serbia. Please me next time! (Because I must be pleased!)

1. Can Bonomo - "Love Me Back" from Turkey


This is purely awful. The song is bad, the singer is bad, the performance is bad. I think this might have been harmed by being put right after the Swedish entry, but that doesn't excuse it. The thing that pisses me off most about this song though is that it got 112 points. It didn't even deserve 1! I can't believe it got so high and that people actually liked it. Am I the only one who thinks that this is the most overrated song of the whole competition? The fact that this got so many points makes me worry for our future.

Anyway, because it's never good to end on a sour note, now we'll go onto the best songs of Eurovision, in my mind anyway. If you've seen the show, then you'll probably guess which song is number one.

5. Compact Disco - "The Sound of Our Hearts" from Hungary and Gaitana - "Be My Guest" from the Ukraine

(Shut up! My list!) Yeah, kind of cheating, but these 2 are both exceptional. So, Hungary first. This is refreshing. It's a serious pop song, performed well, that has a good melody and lyrics. I really like it, it sounds like something that could actually hear on the radio.

Ukraine is probably the exact opposite. This is a fast, fun song that makes you dance, that has no brain and doesn't even try to have one. Fun is the best way it can be described, and with so many ballads this year, this just stands out so well!

4. Soluna Samay - "Should've Known Better" from Denmark

This song deserved so much better than it got. Written by busker Soluna Samay, and really simply performed, this is probably the only song out of the competition that will end up on the radio and reach the masses. It is just so damn good and also a really sweet love song! I know I'm going to be reusing adjectives all the way through these songs, but I think you just have to listen to them to find out that they are excellent. And this one expecially.

3. Nina Zilli - "L'amore e Femmina (Out of Love)" from Italy

This song has gotten a lot of unnecessary criticism for looking and sounding like Amy Winehouse. Really? People are stupid enough to point that out. You do know that Adele also has the retro soul thing going on? You know that Amy Winehouse wasn't the first person to do it, just the most successful? Yes, this is a retro sounding, rockabilly type song, and it's awesome has hell! But people can't seem to get over the fact that other people can perform and write songs in that genre. I'm sorry to sound so negative, especially when I probably should be taking it as a compliment that they are comparing to as talented an artist as the late great Winehouse. But really, judge the song on it's own. And don't dismiss it because it's in the same style that other songs are in.

2. Kurt Calleja - "This is the Night" from Malta

How I wish more music today sounded like this song. Remember how I said that the Ukraine had the dance song, and Denmark had the love song. Well, Malta has the "Vivre la vie!" song. It makes you tap your feet and jump up and sing along with it! Plus the fancy foot work of the singer and band is worth the watch alone. Unfortunately, the grand final performance isn't as good as the semi-final performance, but I just didn't care. This song kicks ass no matter what.

1. Loreen - "Euphoria" from Sweden

Yep, this is best song of Eurovision 2012, and coincidentally, the winner of Eurovision 2012. Where do I begin? Everything about this entry is perfect. The song has a sing-along-to chorus, catchy eurobeat backing and impressive rising vocals. The performance is the best one on Eurovision I have ever seen (granted, that's not saying much), very simple, with mainly just singer Loreen dancing with minimal lights in the back, and is joined by only one dancer. The snow, the Kate Bush-esque dance moves, the simplicity of it all is what makes it great. Loreen herself is one of the most beautiful people I have seen. But her voice is amazing with this song, not one wrong note (while dancing as well!), not one wrong foot. If there is such a thing as perfection, it would be this.

So, that's it from me for now. My dad came home with another Eurovision DVD for us to watch. Father/daughter bonding never sounded so cheesey! Until next time, and until next year, see you in Stockholm!

P.S Worst song overall was Israel, and the most underrated song was France.

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